Sentence dictionary
battle of breitenfeld (1631)
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battle of breitenfeld
They guarded the river Oder while Gustavus Adolphus fought Battle of Breitenfeld. On 24 August 1631, Battle of Breitenfeld and came under pressure. When Gustavus Adolphus First Battle of B...
second battle of breitenfeld
After two years of tireless combat against the Second Battle of Breitenfeld, which ended with a brilliant victory over the Holy Roman Empire. Both armies attacked, a rare event in the Thir...
They guarded the river Oder while Gustavus Adolphus fought Battle of Breitenfeld. On 24 August 1631, Battle of Breitenfeld and came under pressure. When Gustavus Adolphus First Battle of B...
richard breitenfeld
Although he was Jewish he escaped the deportation and subsequent fate of his colleagues at the Frankfurt Opera, Richard Breitenfeld, Magda Spiegel, bass Hans Erl and violinist Moses Slager...
1631 ad
The work was compiled between 1625 AD and 1631 AD. It was in 1631 AD that the main gate of the fort was built.
1631 in england
His son, William ( Gen . 3 ) Carpenter ( b . 1631 in England-1702 / 3 Rehoboth, Bristol, MA ), was for many years Rehoboth town clerk, by virtue of which his name not that of his father ...
1631 kopff
"' 1631 Kopff "', provisional designation, is a stony Florian asteroid from the inner regions of the asteroid belt, approximately 9 kilometers in diameter.
1620~1631年间,米兰学院设建筑专业。 杜麟征为崇祯四年(1631年)进士。 1631年起任约克大主教,直至逝世。 1631年,尚恭未即位而卒,年仅20岁。 1631年在布莱登菲尔德战役中立功。 牌坊建于明崇祯四年(1631年)。 “崇祯四年(1631年)卒,年七十四。 79~1631年间据报导有不少次喷发。 1631年(崇祯四年)进士,授庶吉士。 1631年底,华伦...
ad 1631
For instance, there is a series which ended in 541 BC, and the series which includes 2117 only started in AD 1631.
ads 1631
For instance, there is a series which ended in 541 BC, and the series which includes 2117 only started in AD 1631.
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